
Zupit has dedicated and devotes a lot of energy to find a working method that combines innovation, efficiency and customer service


Lean thinking was born out of the large-scale Japanese industry with the aim of reducing waste and inefficiencies and removing everything from the production process that does not add "value" to the product.
In the software world, Lean means focusing your efforts on what is truly important for your customers' business.


In a multi-client and multi-project context we try to respect the values and principles of the Agile manifesto adopting the most suitable practices for the context in each working situation.
This is why we are able to work with the XP, Scrum and Kanban methodologies choosing the one that can bring more value to the customer in their situation.

Continuous improvement

Improving to us means to periodically introduce a bit of common sense and evaluate its effectiveness over time with the most objective measurements possible.
It is a slow and obstinate process that also involves obstacles and steps backwards but is more necessary than ever. If you want to innovate in an ultra-dynamic sector such as the software world.


Retrospective is one of the regular meetings in the agile world; the developer teams gather and analyze what worked well and what didn't work in previous work cycles.
Concrete actions emerge at the end of the meeting to improve the working method.

Our development process

From first contact up to the delivery of the product there are different phases, but there is no standard plan for each project and each customer.
At Zupit we consider not just the product but also the collaboration process to be tailor-made, up until the finished result.

  1. First approach

    • Coffee
    • Requirements collection
    • Definition of macro-objectives
    • Assessment of skills
    • Roadmap proposal
  2. Preparation

    • Process analysis
    • Estimates and priorities
    • Milestones and metrics definition
    • Work team definition
  3. Setup

    • Development environment
    • Design and user interfaces
    • Process analysis
    • Estimates and priorities
    • Milestones and metrics definition
  4. Production

    • Features selection and iteration start
    • Analysis and development
    • Automatic tests and functional tests
    • Customer approval
    • Definition of development priorities
  5. Retention

    • Traffic - errors - safety monitoring
    • Bugfix - systems update
    • Resource sizing check
    • Evolutionary proposals

Zupit organization

Zupit's production is organized in teams of six; each team has a product owner who follows the progress of projects and acts as an intermediary between the customer and the developers, trying to translate business processes into requirements for new software together..
The rest of the team is made up of experienced and tight-knit developers working together to achieve the production targets.
At Zupit hierarchies are kept to a minimum and the main focus is always on the quality of the software and on the value produced.

Quality Management System certification ISO 9001:2015

Time at Zupit

At Zupit we believe there is no close relationship between the amount of time a developer spends in the office and the quality of the software produced. Indeed we are convinced that the factors having the greatest impact on software quality are others such as: the deep understanding of processes, the use of the right tools, communication with customers and solid team work.
For these reasons, every developer writes software for about 30 hours a week.
How do we spend the rest of the time? Training, having fun, side-projects... More generally, we try to grow as people, while having a good time.

Commercial formula based on value

Zupit believes in collaboration and in a partnership relationship with the customer based on the value produced. However, this method is not suitable for all projects and all customers. In short projects, at the initiation of contact or when the customer prefers to maintain more traditional business relationships. Zupit offers proposals starting from one of the following commercial methods:

Agile based on value

Following this formula Zupit collaborates directly with the customer to divide the project into small parts called "stories".
Stories are weighted in "points", Zupit proceeds to develop the various parts according to the agreed priority. When the customer sees the "story" and approves it, Zupit will proceed with the billing.

Time material

There are situations in which it is preferable for the client to turn to professionals for help in solving a contingent problem rather than building a project, in these cases we apply the "Time material" formula, where Zupit charges the client a fee for the time dedicated by the experts to solve the problem.

FTE Team

In other situations, a company needs a continuous supply of work without knowing from the beginning the particular activities to focus on. The formula that best suits this type of supply is the FTE (Full Time Equivalent). So Zupit provides a team with skills and dimensions suitable for the type of project to be carried out.

Lump sum

If the customer has a specific need and we find a way to define it in detail, it is possible to offer a "lump sum" price including all Zupit's activities, within a predetermined budget, as in many other sectors.